“The LEGO Batman Movie” (2017) [SPOILERS]
Are you ready to follow Batman? And maybe learn a few life lessons along the way?
[Read more]Are you ready to follow Batman? And maybe learn a few life lessons along the way?
[Read more]I was intrigued to find this pamphlet tucked away inside the November-December 2013 issue of the LEGO Club Magazine. Billed as the “Special LEGO Video Guide”, it purports to feature the “top 2013 LEGO videos, free online games, apps, and more!” In reality, it’s just one big advertisement for LEGO …
[Read more]A host of new LEGO film and TV content has been added to Netflix. It’s all CG stuff, but cool nonetheless.
[Read more]Last month I got to attend the world premiere of the new LEGO direct-to-video film, “LEGO Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite”. It’s a CG animated feature from TT Animation; an offshoot of Traveller’s Tales, creators of the LEGO video games. The “LEGO Batman” screening was held at The …
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