The Dark Ages of Brickfilming
In the wider LEGO Fan community there’s a widely-discussed phenomenon called “The Dark Ages.” It’s time to talk about what it means for brickfilmers.
[Read more]In the wider LEGO Fan community there’s a widely-discussed phenomenon called “The Dark Ages.” It’s time to talk about what it means for brickfilmers.
[Read more][A Repelling Spider was kind enough to be the first of our guest contributors here on The Set Bump. Stay tuned for more guest posts in the future.] Quite recently there have been some discussions about whether brickfilming is on the decline. People have said that the “golden age” of …
[Read more]I’m a big fan of Kickstarter. If I had a million dollars to spare, I would probably spend it all on getting cool rewards for helping artists make their dreams come true. As it is, I probably spend more money than I should backing Kickstarter projects. The past few years …
[Read more]WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS VIOLENT BRICK ANIMATIONS I saw “Gollum does Gangnam Style in LEGO” by Hampster Productions earlier today and had several thoughts: Gollum’s arm animation is impressive. Excessive violence is not an appropriate response to something that annoys you. Oh wait, didn’t I do this same concept back …
[Read more]Having participated in (and hosted) my fair share of online video contests, I have strong opinions about how to best run one. I’m going to use the recent ReBrick Halloween Contest as an opportunity to discuss some of those opinions. Let me preface this by saying how great it is to …
[Read more]“The Machine” is the latest of a handful of brick animations that blur the line between stop-motion and live action. According to the animator, it was filmed at 25 frames per second (FPS), and had motion blur added in post-production to make it ever smoother. The short is worth a …
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