Conan the LEGO Man
Conan O’Brien must have a connection with LEGO. Perhaps he has a passion for his favorite childhood toy that still burns. We have noticed on quite a few occasions over the last few years that LEGO has been mentioned or showcased in comedy bits or interviews. Conan was born in 1963 and young enough to have played with LEGO sets growing up, but probably ones without minifigures.

Late night talk show host Conan O’Brien got the LEGO treatment by the folks over at LucasArts as part of a promotion for LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues.
Recently on his show, the actor Simon Pegg showed off his Shaun Of The Dead Action Figures. On another occasion, the actor Paul Rudd presented Conan with a picture of a custom mini-figure made by is his son during his interview with Conan. Brick artist Nathan Sawaya has built a couple of life-size sculptures of Conan. (The time lapse video of Nathan working on one of the statues is amazing!)
But…what we are most excited about is the connection Conan has with brickfilmers.
Last year, Conan had a brush with brickfilming fame in a Halloween store in Los Angeles. Sean Willets, aka filmyguy1, appears with Conan in the sexy outfit section of the costume shop. (It’s near the 2 minute mark). Sean’s mom also makes an appearance.
Unfortunately no brickfilming was discussed.
Atticus Shaffer, star of TV show The Middle, discussed his love for making LEGO stop motion films during his interview with Conan.
Donald Faison, star of The Exes and Scrubs, discussed his passion for making LEGO stop motion with Conan. Donald Faison is the man behind Black Storm Trooper.
The mouth movements are done with stop motion. Respect, man! Check out his interview on the Team Coco site (part 1, part 2).
Conan played a few brickfilms on his television show. One brickfilm that aired on Conan was by Grayson MacLean, the childhood inventor. Grayson MacLean invented BrickStix and was interviewed by Conan a few years ago.
Here’s the extended version of Grayson’s brickfilm:
Conan played yet another brickfilm on his television show called Cheer Up, Legos! It was apparently produced by Conan’s team in response to news stories about LEGO not having as many smiles as they once did. It’s quite funny. Warning: it has some mature content, so view at your own discretion.
So Conan, when are you going to interview another brickfilmer or play another brickfilm on your show? We love it!