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bricks in motion


Last week marked one of the major brickfilming competitions that are held almost every year within the community. BRAWL challenges animators to create an entire short animation in only week or less. These events always bring about some really quality entries. One of my favorite this year was this clever …

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Enter the Second Annual Brickworld Film Festival!

We’re very excited to announce the second annual Brickworld Film Festival! The Brickworld Film Festival is part of Brickworld Chicago, one of the largest conventions of LEGO fans in the world. Last year, we invited attendees to submit their brick animations (or live-action brick flicks) and screened the 14 entries to an enthusiastic audience of over 100 …

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Last weekend, Bricks in Motion hosted the tenth annual(ish) Twenty-four Hour Animation Contest (THAC). Making a brick animation in any amount of time is an impressive accomplishment, doing so in a 24 hour period is a super-human feat.

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