A few bricks can make a big impression
“Greedy Bricks” by Mirko Horstmann (mirkoskop) is more than a decade old, but I find myself returning to it again and again.
[Read more]“Greedy Bricks” by Mirko Horstmann (mirkoskop) is more than a decade old, but I find myself returning to it again and again.
[Read more]Sports brickfilms are a unique genre of brickfilms. Most have no story, aside from recreating an actual sporting moment, no characters other than famous athletes with personalities, and little to no dialogue.
[Read more]I was sorting some minifigures this week when I came across one with this head. I immediately had an uncanny moment of disorienting déjà vu. Much like an optical illusion that has been revealed, I could not unsee the unsettling image that SpastikChuwawa so succinctly evokes in the classic brick …
[Read more]Got some leftover Christmas gift cards that you’re looking to put to good use? Then might I recommend the recently-released second edition of the Unofficial LEGO Builders’ Guide, written by Allan Bedford and published by No Starch Press. I’ve had the first edition as an indispensable part of my library …
[Read more]“The Machine” is the latest of a handful of brick animations that blur the line between stop-motion and live action. According to the animator, it was filmed at 25 frames per second (FPS), and had motion blur added in post-production to make it ever smoother. The short is worth a …
[Read more]After seeing “Barney’s cherry” in the Eurobricks Brick Flicks and Comics forum last weekend, I started wondering why animations starring Fabuland characters are so frequently Lynchian. Considering Fabuland was originally marketed at children ages 4-8, there is an alarmingly high occurrence of hallucinatory imagery, adult language, and graphic violence in …
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