LEGO Hero Factory: The Next Saga

Brain Attack!

It’s been a while since we blogged about a Tongal Contest, but this one was just too ridiculous to pass up. You may be familiar with Akiyama Makuro and the robotic heroes from Tongal’s first LEGO Hero Factory project but this time the heroes are battling an army of evil …

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A hidden gem

There’s a virus in your computer! But don’t worry, it’s adorable, and very-well animated. How has a great brick animation like “VIRUS” by Fred Mangan gone virtually unnoticed on YouTube for two years? You’d think that it would be a little more… viral (sorry, I couldn’t resist). Seriously though, this …

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Time and time again

For a first attempt at brick animation, “LEGO: The Time Machine” by FlyingMinifig shows a considerable amount of promise. While the animation is shaky (set bumps ahoy!) and the light flickers throughout, there is some interesting camerawork, good use of replacement animation for the flickering time travel effect, and some …

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Michael Jackson’s Moves

Annette Jung of Talking Animals animation studio has done the impossible and perfectly captured the King of Pop’s dance moves in LEGO. She side-skirts the limited articulation of the minifigure by using a top-down perspective on some basic bricks. This method essentially turns LEGO bricks into pixels. It’s a great …

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