“Mouthstache” by SpastikChuwawa (2009)
I was sorting some minifigures this week when I came across one with this head. I immediately had an uncanny moment of disorienting déjà vu. Much like an optical illusion that has been revealed, I could not unsee the unsettling image that SpastikChuwawa so succinctly evokes in the classic brick animation, “Mouthstache.”
There is very little animation in this video, but what is there is crisp and character-driven. I highlight it to remind readers that a compelling concept that is well executed can make a lasting impression. I also had a similar problem with this minifig head, which i initially saw as having a nose above a moustache, but I now see as having an evil smirk above a goatee. Have you even encountered an ambiguous minifig head?